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2024年6月2日, 共有条目486418条。

Tenjimbashisuji 6-chome 的天窗

Tenjimbashisuji 6-chome

id: igbtsakae

We will soon be arriving at Tenjimbashisuji 6-chome, station number K11. Passengers can transfer here to the Tanimachi Line. This train will go no further than this station. For passengers heading towards Kita-Senri and Takatsuki-shi, please wait at the platform. The doors on the right side will open. Please be careful of the train doors. Thank you for riding with Osaka Metro today.

Not kind as you expected. I may hurt you.

IP属地: 上海/美国密歇根州/東京都大田区


Reference Materials
1. Rudin, W. (1976) Principles of Mathematical Analysis. 3rd Edition, McGraw-Hill, New York, 145.
2. Introduction to Probability, 2nd Edition. by Dimitri P. Bertsekas and John N. Tsitsiklis.